
Leader of the research group:
Dániel Bárth

Team members:
János Bednárik, Emese Ilyefalvi, Zsuzsanna Muntagné Tabajdi, Anna Szakál

External members:
Tamás Dénesi, Orsolya Gyöngyössy, Réka Jakab, Tünde Komáromi, Bernadett Smid

Bárth, Dániel
Leader of the research group

PhD, dr. habil., Ethnologist, Folklorist, Historian, associate professor, head of the Department of Folkloristics, Eötvös Loránd University

ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8.
+36 (1) 485‐5200/5145
 Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
 Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

⏵ Research interests ⏷ Research interests
microhistory, historical anthropology
archival-historical folkloristics
ethnology of religion
relationship between liturgical history and folkloristics
popular culture and everyday life in early modern Hungary
lower clergy and local society

⏵ Publications ⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research ⏷ Education and research
2018–Leader of the MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group
2013–Head of the Doctoral Program of Hungarian and Comparativ Folkloristics in the Doctoral School of Literary Studies
2011–Associate Professor at the Department of Folkloristics
2010Habilitation (Eötvös Loránd University)
2005–Assistant Professor at the Department of Folkloristics (Institute of Ethnology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
2004PhD examination, „summa cum laude”
2003–2005Research Fellow in the Folklore Text Analysis Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and ELTE
2000–2003Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) PhD Program: Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics
1995–2000Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) history, ethnography (1995–2000), latin philology (1996–1997), full member of Eötvös College (1996–2002)
1995Graduation, Kecskeméti Piarista Gimnázium [Piarist’ Secondary School, Kecskemét]

⏵ Projects ⏷ Projects
2018–MTA–ELTE (Momentum) Program (The lower clergy in 18th–20th century local communities in Hungary and Transylvania) – leader of the research group
2013–2015ERC 324214. (Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions, leader: Éva Pócs) – research fellow
2009–2012OTKA K 78551 (Religion, church, society of Szeklerland in the 17–19th centuries) – leader
2005–2008OTKA T 049440 (Church and folk customs in Transylvania in 17-19th centuries) – leader
2004–2007OTKA T 046472 (Folk belief, religion, mentility. Handwritten and printed sources, 16–19th centuries, leader: Éva Pócs) – research fellow

⏵ Scholarships and fellowships ⏷ Scholarships and fellowships
2014DAAD research scholarship, Passau (2 months)
2011–2014Bolyai János Research Scholarship of HAS
2010Hungarian Eötvös Scholarship, Regensburg (3 months)
2009Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna (2 months)
2009DAAD research scholarship, Würzburg (3 months)
2005–2008Bolyai János Research Scholarship of HAS
2005Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna (2 months)
2004–2005Ministry of Education and Culture, Deák Ferenc Scholarship
2000–2003Ph.D. Scholarship
2000–2003Faludi Ferenc Jesuit Academy
2000Austro-Hungarian Action Foundation – Vienna (2 months)
1999–2000Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Foundation „Students for the Sciences”
1999–2000Republican Scholarship
1995–2000ELTE University Academic Scholarship (during 7 semesters)

⏵ Professional memberships and academic awards ⏷ Professional memberships and academic awards
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) (college: 2008–)
Ethnological Commission of HAS (member: 2011–; secretary: 2017–)
Hungarian Ethnographical Society (member: 1996–, member of commission: 2008–) (Co-Editor of Néprajzi Hírek 2007–2009)
Hungarian Ethnographical Society, Department of Folklore (president: 2012–2015)
Hajnal István Association (member: 2017–)
Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies (member: 2001–2009)
Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religion (member: 2005–2010)
SIEF, Society International of Ethnology and Folklore (member: 2004–)

Jankó János-Award (Hungarian Ethnographical Society, 2005)

⏵ Language skills ⏷ Language skills

German, English, Latin


Bednárik, János
Research fellow

PhD, European Ethnologist, Germanist

+36 (20) 548-6724
 Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
 Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

⏵ Research interests ⏷ Research interests
church in local communities in the 19th century Hungary
lower clergy, popular religiosity and folk beliefs
history and ethnography of the German minority in Hungary
theory and methodology of the historical etnography

⏵ Publications ⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research ⏷ Education and research
2018–Research Fellow, MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group
2014–2018Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Science
2012–2018PhD candidate, European Ethnology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (PhD degree, summa cum laude)
2004–2011study of European Ethnology and Germanistics (MA) at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
2004school leaving exam at the Piarist Gymnasium of Budapest

⏵ Projects ⏷ Projects
2012–Church and local societies in the second half of the 19th century Hungary – PhD project and his extension within the framework of the research group for Historical Folkloristics
2013–2015participation in the research project „An Examination of Triple Borders-Areas in the south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern Regions of Hungary” (HAS RCH Institute of Ethnology)
2014–2015participation in the research project „Political changes and social experiences, 1944–1945, regional examinations” (HAS RCH Research Group for Rural History – Committee of National Remembrance)
2014–2016Integration and Identity. An Examination on three Generations of German Families Displaced from Hungary – research project as junior research fellow, Institute of Ethnology
2010–researches on the culture and history of the settlements around Budapest

⏵ Scholarships and fellowships abroad ⏷ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
2011–2019, four timesresearch scholarships of Baden-Württemberg, Institut für Volkskunde der Deutschen des östlichen Europa (IVDE), Freiburg im Breisgau (1–3 months)
2015fieldwork in Germany, Heidelberg Region, among families affected by the deportations from Hungary after the 2nd WW (Klebelsberg Kunó scholarship, 3 months)
2007ERASMUS Exchange Student, Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg (5 months)

⏵ Further professional experience ⏷ Further professional experience
2016–participation in the development of the system MuseumDigital for museal inventory and publication
2014–2015BA-seminars at Eötvös Loránd University (fieldwork-practice, material culture)
2014–deputy museologist at the local Museum of Budakeszi
2011–translation (German–Hungarian)
2000–collection and performance of Hungarian folk music

⏵ Professional memberships and academic awards ⏷ Professional memberships and academic awards
Magyar Néprajzi Társaság [Hungarian Ethnographical Sociaety (member from 2004; secretary of the socio-ethnographical section from 2018)
Jankó János award (of the Hungarian Ethnographical Society, 2019)

⏵ Language skills ⏷ Language skills

Ilyefalvi, Emese
Research fellow

PhD, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Expert in Religious Studies

ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8.
+36 (1) 485-5200/5145
 Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
 Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

⏵ Research interests ⏷ Research interests
theory, methodology and history of folkloristics
tradition / folklore archives in Europe
computational / digital folkloristics
digital humanities, media archeology
witchcraft and incantations
folk beliefs and folk religiosity
religion and nationalism
Protestant Home Mission between the two WWs in Transylvania
representation of folk culture in newspapers between the two WWs in Transylvania

⏵ Publications ⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research ⏷ Education and research
Sep. 2019–Research Fellow: MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group
2013–2020PhD degree, Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics PhD Program Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (PhD degree, summa cum laude)
Sep. 2018 – Aug. 2019Hungarian Doctoral Fellow: Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta
March 2017 – Aug. 2018Junior Research Fellow (full-time position): Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions (ERC project No. 324214) Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Sep. 2013 – Feb. 2017Junior Research Fellow (part-time position): Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions (ERC project No. 324214) University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
July–Oct. 2013Museologist, Intercisa Museum, Dunaújváros, Hungary
2011–2014Expert in Religious Studies (MA), specialized in Religion in the Modern World, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
2010–2013Ethnologist and Folklorist (MA), specialized in Folkloristics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
2006–2010Philologist in Hungarian Studies (BA) with Ethnography minor and Philosophy minor, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

⏵ Scholarships and fellowships abroad ⏷ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
2018Visiting Scholar, Religious Studies, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Hungarian Eötvös State Scholarship (5 months)
2017Visiting Scholar, Collegium Hungaricum Wien, Vienna, Austria (3 months)
2016Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant, Study of Religions, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (1 month)
2014Campus Hungary Short Time Study Trip at the Department of Folklore, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (1 month)
2014Campus Hungary Short Time Study Trip at Harris Manchester College Library, Oxford, England (1 week)
2010Exchange Student, CEEPUS research scholarship at the Hungarian Department of Ethnography and Anthropology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6 months)
2008Exchange Student, ERASMUS scholarship at the Hungarian Department of Ethnography and Anthropology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6 months)

⏵ Scholarships in Hungary ⏷ Scholarships in Hungary
2018–2019Excellence Award for PhD candidates – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
2017–2018Excellence Award for PhD candidates – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
2016–2017Excellence Award for PhD candidates – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
2012–2013Student Excellence Award – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
2012–2013Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary
2011–2012Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary

⏵ Teaching experience ⏷ Teaching experience

At Eötvös Loránd University:
2019–Substitute Assistant Professor (BA/MA seminars at the Folklore Department)
2016–2018Computational Folkloristics (BA/MA seminar)
2014–2016Ritual, religion and mentality. Hungarian folk belief and folk religion (BA lecture)
2013–2015Historical Folkloristics (MA seminar)

At University of Pécs:
2013–2017Textual Folkloristics / Introduction to Folkloristics (BA lecture)

⏵ Further professional experience ⏷ Further professional experience
2017Conference Assistant, Present and Past. Contemporary and historical perspectives in the anthropological study of religious life. A three-day international conference, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest
2016Proofreader, Incantatio, Issue no. 6.
2013–2016Organizer, proposal writer, Interdisciplinary summer research camps in Transylvania
2011–Co-founder, editor: Etnoszkóp

⏵ Academic accomplishment, grants ⏷ Academic accomplishment, grants
2019Lancashire Promise Award, CSDH/SCHN AGM
20111st place, XXX. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK) Eger, Section of Humanities: Folkloristics

⏵ Professional memberships and activities ⏷ Professional memberships and activities
2019–Canadian Society for Digital Humanities
2015–SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) Working Group on Archives
2015–Folklore Fellows
2014–Magyar Néprajzi Társaság [Hungarian Ethnographical Society]

⏵ Language skills ⏷ Language skills
Hungarianmother tongue

Muntagné Tabajdi, Zsuzsanna
Research fellow

MA, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Historian

ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8.
+36 (1) 224-6782/4532
 Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
 Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

⏵ Research interests ⏷ Research interests
archival-historical folkloristics
historical questions of popular religiosity
popular culture and popular religiosity of the 18–19th century in Hungary
interdenominational cohabitation and conflicts in 18th-century Hungary
history of Hungarian Lutheran local communities of the 18–19th century
local history and historical ethnography of the village Pócsmegyer

⏵ Publications ⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research ⏷ Education and research
2018–Research Fellow, MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group
2013–Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2010–2014PhD candidate, Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics PhD Program Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2002–2010Historian, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2002graduation, Budapest-Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium (Lutheran Gymnasium Budapest-Fasori)

⏵ Projects ⏷ Projects
2010–proceeding PhD project: Confessionalization, ecclesiastical mentality, popular religiosity in the 18th century Hungary
2010–local history and historical ethnography of the village Pócsmegyer (with Éva Szacsvay and Andrea Anna Muskovics)
2010–2011digitizing project of Hungarian Conscription 1720, National Archives of Hungary
2008–2009„Diaeta” Research Group for the History of the 18th-century Hungarian Parliament (2004–2011), external research fellow

⏵ Further professional experience ⏷ Further professional experience
2012BA seminar at the Folklore Department of Eötvös Loránd University: Historical folkloristics
2007–archival research in local parish archives, state and ecclesiastical archives (Budapest, Salgótarján, Vác)

⏵ Language skills ⏷ Language skills
Hungarianmother tongue

Szakál, Anna
Research fellow

PhD, Folklorist
MA, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Philologist and Teacher in Hungarian Studies, Expert in Film History and Film Theory

ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8.
+36 (1) 224-6782/4532
 Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
 Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

⏵ Research interests ⏷ Research interests
the beginnings of the folk-poetry collecting in Transylvania, the contemporary discourse about the subject, and the sociocultural background of the participants
intellectual networks in the 19th century
role of the Transylvanian Hungarian Protestant colleges
influences of different folk collections and folk collecting networks on one another in the 19th century
microverse of Unitarian priests and teachers of the mid 19th century
theory, methodology and history of folkloristics
folklore archives, legacies

⏵ Publications ⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research ⏷ Education and research
Sep. 2019–Research Fellow: MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group
Sep. 2018–Postdoctoral Scholar: Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Nov. 2017 – Aug. 2018Research Fellow (part-time position): Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions (ERC project No. 324214) Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest
2016PhD defence at the Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj. Title of the thesis: A 19th century folklore collecting network as a research problem. Possible approaches to the Vadrózsák (Wild Roses). Result: summa cum laude.
2013–2016PhD candidate, Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics PhD Program, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2012–2013Cultural Organiser, Hungarian Ethnographic Museum, Budapest, Hungary
2009–2012PhD candidate, Hungarology Doctoral School, Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
2005–2010Expert in Film History and Film Theory (MA), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2004–2010Ethnologist and Folklorist (MA), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2001–2007Philologist and Teacher in Hungarian Studies (MA), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

⏵ Scholarships and fellowships abroad ⏷ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
2017–2018ÚNKP (New National Excellence Program) scholarship (10 months, ELTE BTK)
2017Klebelsberg-scholarship (2 months, Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives in Cluj)
2017Campus Hungary (1 month, Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives in Cluj)
2016–2017Tempus Foundation, research grant (10 months, Romania)
2014Campus Hungary (4 months, Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives in Cluj)
2014Campus Hungary (1 week, Oxford, Harris Manchester College Library)
2012CEEPUS (2 months, Prague, Univerzity Karlovy)
2009–2012full time PhD scholarship from the Hungarian Scholarship Commitee (Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj)
2009Erasmus (3 months, Université Lumière Lyon 2)
2002–2009CEEPUS grant awarded five times between 2002 and 2009 for an altogether 20-month period at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Kolozsvár

⏵ Teaching experience ⏷ Teaching experience

At Eötvös Loránd University:
2018/2019 springHistorcial Folkloristics (BA 3rd year, 24 hours seminar)
2017/2018 springStudying different sources (MA 1st year, seminar)
2015/2016 autumnTheory and history of Hungarian folkloristics (MA 1st year, seminar, together with Krisztina Tompos)
2014/2015 springHistorical Folkloristics (MA 1st year, seminar, together with Emese Ilyefalvi)

At Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church:
2019/2020 autumnTale-theories, tale-researches (postgradual, lecture)
2018/2019 autumnTale-theories, tale-researches (postgradual, lecture)
2016/2017 springTale-theories, tale-researches (postgradual, lecture)

At University of Pécs:
2012/2013 autumnOrality and literacy (MA 1st year, lecture)

At Babeş–Bolyai University:
2011/2012 springHistorical Text-folkloristics (BA 3rd year, seminar)

⏵ Further professional experience ⏷ Further professional experience
2017–2019Co-editor of the 25th, 26th, 27th annuals of the János Kriza Ethnographic Society with Vilmos Keszeg and Emese Virginás-Tar, Kolozsvár-Cluj.
2011–2013Co-founder, editor: Etnoszkóp
2019Co-organizer with Vilmos Keszeg (12th Conference of the history of science, Cluj)
2018Co-organizer with Vilmos Keszeg (11th Conference of the history of science, Cluj)
2012Co-organizer with Judit Farkas (Pécs–Kolozsvár Conference for PhD candidates)

⏵ Academic accomplishment, grants ⏷ Academic accomplishment, grants
20091st place, XXIX. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK) Szeged, Section of Humanities: Folkloristics

⏵ Professional memberships and activities ⏷ Professional memberships and activities
2020–István Hajnal Circle
2015–SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore)
2015–János Kriza Ethnographic Society

⏵ Language skills ⏷ Language skills
Hungarianmother tongue


H-1088 Budapest
Múzeum krt. 6–8. fszt. 25.

lendulet.alsopapsag @

The project

Project financed by
Hungarian Academy of Sciences „Lendület (Momentum) Program”

5 years (2018–2023)
© MTA-ELTE Lendület Történeti Folklorisztikai Kutatócsoport,
Allegiant – CPOThemes.