Leader of the research group:
Dániel Bárth
Team members:
János Bednárik, Emese Ilyefalvi, Zsuzsanna Muntagné Tabajdi, Anna Szakál
External members:
Tamás Dénesi, Orsolya Gyöngyössy, Réka Jakab, Tünde Komáromi, Bernadett Smid
Bárth, Dániel
Leader of the research group
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PhD, dr. habil., Ethnologist, Folklorist, Historian, associate professor, head of the Department of Folkloristics, Eötvös Loránd University
ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8. +36 (1) 485‐5200/5145 barth.daniel@btk.elte.hu |
Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
⏵ Research interests
⏷ Research interests
microhistory, historical anthropology |
archival-historical folkloristics |
ethnology of religion |
relationship between liturgical history and folkloristics |
popular culture and everyday life in early modern Hungary |
lower clergy and local society |
⏵ Publications
⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research
⏷ Education and research
2018– | Leader of the MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group |
2013– | Head of the Doctoral Program of Hungarian and Comparativ Folkloristics in the Doctoral School of Literary Studies |
2011– | Associate Professor at the Department of Folkloristics |
2010 | Habilitation (Eötvös Loránd University) |
2005– | Assistant Professor at the Department of Folkloristics (Institute of Ethnology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) |
2004 | PhD examination, „summa cum laude” |
2003–2005 | Research Fellow in the Folklore Text Analysis Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and ELTE |
2000–2003 | Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) PhD Program: Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics |
1995–2000 | Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) history, ethnography (1995–2000), latin philology (1996–1997), full member of Eötvös College (1996–2002) |
1995 | Graduation, Kecskeméti Piarista Gimnázium [Piarist’ Secondary School, Kecskemét] |
⏵ Projects
⏷ Projects
2018– | MTA–ELTE (Momentum) Program (The lower clergy in 18th–20th century local communities in Hungary and Transylvania) – leader of the research group |
2013–2015 | ERC 324214. (Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions, leader: Éva Pócs) – research fellow |
2009–2012 | OTKA K 78551 (Religion, church, society of Szeklerland in the 17–19th centuries) – leader |
2005–2008 | OTKA T 049440 (Church and folk customs in Transylvania in 17-19th centuries) – leader |
2004–2007 | OTKA T 046472 (Folk belief, religion, mentility. Handwritten and printed sources, 16–19th centuries, leader: Éva Pócs) – research fellow |
⏵ Scholarships and fellowships
⏷ Scholarships and fellowships
2014 | DAAD research scholarship, Passau (2 months) |
2011–2014 | Bolyai János Research Scholarship of HAS |
2010 | Hungarian Eötvös Scholarship, Regensburg (3 months) |
2009 | Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna (2 months) |
2009 | DAAD research scholarship, Würzburg (3 months) |
2005–2008 | Bolyai János Research Scholarship of HAS |
2005 | Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna (2 months) |
2004–2005 | Ministry of Education and Culture, Deák Ferenc Scholarship |
2000–2003 | Ph.D. Scholarship |
2000–2003 | Faludi Ferenc Jesuit Academy |
2000 | Austro-Hungarian Action Foundation – Vienna (2 months) |
1999–2000 | Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Foundation „Students for the Sciences” |
1999–2000 | Republican Scholarship |
1995–2000 | ELTE University Academic Scholarship (during 7 semesters) |
⏵ Professional memberships and academic awards
⏷ Professional memberships and academic awards
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) (college: 2008–) |
Ethnological Commission of HAS (member: 2011–; secretary: 2017–) |
Hungarian Ethnographical Society (member: 1996–, member of commission: 2008–) (Co-Editor of Néprajzi Hírek 2007–2009) |
Hungarian Ethnographical Society, Department of Folklore (president: 2012–2015) |
Hajnal István Association (member: 2017–) |
Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies (member: 2001–2009) |
Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religion (member: 2005–2010) |
SIEF, Society International of Ethnology and Folklore (member: 2004–) |
Jankó János-Award (Hungarian Ethnographical Society, 2005) |
⏵ Language skills
⏷ Language skills
German, English, Latin
Bednárik, János
Research fellow
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PhD, European Ethnologist, Germanist
+36 (20) 548-6724 bed.janos@gmail.com |
Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
⏵ Research interests
⏷ Research interests
church in local communities in the 19th century Hungary |
lower clergy, popular religiosity and folk beliefs |
history and ethnography of the German minority in Hungary |
theory and methodology of the historical etnography |
⏵ Publications
⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research
⏷ Education and research
2018– | Research Fellow, MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group |
2014–2018 | Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Science |
2012–2018 | PhD candidate, European Ethnology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (PhD degree, summa cum laude) |
2004–2011 | study of European Ethnology and Germanistics (MA) at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary |
2004 | school leaving exam at the Piarist Gymnasium of Budapest |
⏵ Projects
⏷ Projects
2012– | Church and local societies in the second half of the 19th century Hungary – PhD project and his extension within the framework of the research group for Historical Folkloristics |
2013–2015 | participation in the research project „An Examination of Triple Borders-Areas in the south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern Regions of Hungary” (HAS RCH Institute of Ethnology) |
2014–2015 | participation in the research project „Political changes and social experiences, 1944–1945, regional examinations” (HAS RCH Research Group for Rural History – Committee of National Remembrance) |
2014–2016 | Integration and Identity. An Examination on three Generations of German Families Displaced from Hungary – research project as junior research fellow, Institute of Ethnology |
2010– | researches on the culture and history of the settlements around Budapest |
⏵ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
⏷ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
2011–2019, four times | research scholarships of Baden-Württemberg, Institut für Volkskunde der Deutschen des östlichen Europa (IVDE), Freiburg im Breisgau (1–3 months) |
2015 | fieldwork in Germany, Heidelberg Region, among families affected by the deportations from Hungary after the 2nd WW (Klebelsberg Kunó scholarship, 3 months) |
2007 | ERASMUS Exchange Student, Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg (5 months) |
⏵ Further professional experience
⏷ Further professional experience
2016– | participation in the development of the system MuseumDigital for museal inventory and publication |
2014–2015 | BA-seminars at Eötvös Loránd University (fieldwork-practice, material culture) |
2014– | deputy museologist at the local Museum of Budakeszi |
2011– | translation (German–Hungarian) |
2000– | collection and performance of Hungarian folk music |
⏵ Professional memberships and academic awards
⏷ Professional memberships and academic awards
Magyar Néprajzi Társaság [Hungarian Ethnographical Sociaety (member from 2004; secretary of the socio-ethnographical section from 2018) |
Jankó János award (of the Hungarian Ethnographical Society, 2019) |
⏵ Language skills
⏷ Language skills
Hungarian | native |
Geerman | fluent |
French | intermediate |
English | basic |
Latin | basic |
Ilyefalvi, Emese
Research fellow
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PhD, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Expert in Religious Studies
ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8. +36 (1) 485-5200/5145 ilyefalvi.emese@btk.elte.hu |
Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
⏵ Research interests
⏷ Research interests
theory, methodology and history of folkloristics |
tradition / folklore archives in Europe |
computational / digital folkloristics |
digital humanities, media archeology |
witchcraft and incantations |
folk beliefs and folk religiosity |
religion and nationalism |
Protestant Home Mission between the two WWs in Transylvania |
representation of folk culture in newspapers between the two WWs in Transylvania |
⏵ Publications
⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research
⏷ Education and research
Sep. 2019– | Research Fellow: MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group |
2013–2020 | PhD degree, Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics PhD Program Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (PhD degree, summa cum laude) |
Sep. 2018 – Aug. 2019 | Hungarian Doctoral Fellow: Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta |
March 2017 – Aug. 2018 | Junior Research Fellow (full-time position): Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions (ERC project No. 324214) Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary |
Sep. 2013 – Feb. 2017 | Junior Research Fellow (part-time position): Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions (ERC project No. 324214) University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary |
July–Oct. 2013 | Museologist, Intercisa Museum, Dunaújváros, Hungary |
2011–2014 | Expert in Religious Studies (MA), specialized in Religion in the Modern World, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary |
2010–2013 | Ethnologist and Folklorist (MA), specialized in Folkloristics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary |
2006–2010 | Philologist in Hungarian Studies (BA) with Ethnography minor and Philosophy minor, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary |
⏵ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
⏷ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
2018 | Visiting Scholar, Religious Studies, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Hungarian Eötvös State Scholarship (5 months) |
2017 | Visiting Scholar, Collegium Hungaricum Wien, Vienna, Austria (3 months) |
2016 | Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant, Study of Religions, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (1 month) |
2014 | Campus Hungary Short Time Study Trip at the Department of Folklore, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (1 month) |
2014 | Campus Hungary Short Time Study Trip at Harris Manchester College Library, Oxford, England (1 week) |
2010 | Exchange Student, CEEPUS research scholarship at the Hungarian Department of Ethnography and Anthropology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6 months) |
2008 | Exchange Student, ERASMUS scholarship at the Hungarian Department of Ethnography and Anthropology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6 months) |
⏵ Scholarships in Hungary
⏷ Scholarships in Hungary
2018–2019 | Excellence Award for PhD candidates – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities |
2017–2018 | Excellence Award for PhD candidates – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities |
2016–2017 | Excellence Award for PhD candidates – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities |
2012–2013 | Student Excellence Award – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities |
2012–2013 | Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary |
2011–2012 | Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary |
⏵ Teaching experience
⏷ Teaching experience
At Eötvös Loránd University:
2019– | Substitute Assistant Professor (BA/MA seminars at the Folklore Department) |
2016–2018 | Computational Folkloristics (BA/MA seminar) |
2014–2016 | Ritual, religion and mentality. Hungarian folk belief and folk religion (BA lecture) |
2013–2015 | Historical Folkloristics (MA seminar) |
At University of Pécs:
2013–2017 | Textual Folkloristics / Introduction to Folkloristics (BA lecture) |
⏵ Further professional experience
⏷ Further professional experience
2017 | Conference Assistant, Present and Past. Contemporary and historical perspectives in the anthropological study of religious life. A three-day international conference, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest |
2016 | Proofreader, Incantatio, Issue no. 6. |
2013–2016 | Organizer, proposal writer, Interdisciplinary summer research camps in Transylvania |
2011– | Co-founder, editor: Etnoszkóp |
⏵ Academic accomplishment, grants
⏷ Academic accomplishment, grants
2019 | Lancashire Promise Award, CSDH/SCHN AGM |
2011 | 1st place, XXX. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK) Eger, Section of Humanities: Folkloristics |
⏵ Professional memberships and activities
⏷ Professional memberships and activities
2019– | Canadian Society for Digital Humanities |
2015– | SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) Working Group on Archives |
2015– | Folklore Fellows |
2014– | Magyar Néprajzi Társaság [Hungarian Ethnographical Society] |
⏵ Language skills
⏷ Language skills
Hungarian | mother tongue |
English | intermediate |
German | intermediate |
Muntagné Tabajdi, Zsuzsanna
Research fellow
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MA, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Historian
ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8. +36 (1) 224-6782/4532 tazsuzsi@gmail.com |
Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
⏵ Research interests
⏷ Research interests
archival-historical folkloristics |
historical questions of popular religiosity |
popular culture and popular religiosity of the 18–19th century in Hungary |
interdenominational cohabitation and conflicts in 18th-century Hungary |
history of Hungarian Lutheran local communities of the 18–19th century |
confessionalization |
local history and historical ethnography of the village Pócsmegyer |
⏵ Publications
⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research
⏷ Education and research
2018– | Research Fellow, MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group |
2013– | Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
2010–2014 | PhD candidate, Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics PhD Program Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
2002–2010 | Historian, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
2002 | graduation, Budapest-Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium (Lutheran Gymnasium Budapest-Fasori) |
⏵ Projects
⏷ Projects
2010– | proceeding PhD project: Confessionalization, ecclesiastical mentality, popular religiosity in the 18th century Hungary |
2010– | local history and historical ethnography of the village Pócsmegyer (with Éva Szacsvay and Andrea Anna Muskovics) |
2010–2011 | digitizing project of Hungarian Conscription 1720, National Archives of Hungary |
2008–2009 | „Diaeta” Research Group for the History of the 18th-century Hungarian Parliament (2004–2011), external research fellow |
⏵ Further professional experience
⏷ Further professional experience
2012 | BA seminar at the Folklore Department of Eötvös Loránd University: Historical folkloristics |
2007– | archival research in local parish archives, state and ecclesiastical archives (Budapest, Salgótarján, Vác) |
⏵ Language skills
⏷ Language skills
Hungarian | mother tongue |
English | intermediate |
German | intermediate |
Latin | basic |
Szakál, Anna
Research fellow
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PhD, Folklorist
MA, Ethnologist and Folklorist, Philologist and Teacher in Hungarian Studies, Expert in Film History and Film Theory ELTE BTK Folklore Tanszék H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8. +36 (1) 224-6782/4532 szakal.anna@btk.mta.hu |
Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
⏵ Research interests
⏷ Research interests
the beginnings of the folk-poetry collecting in Transylvania, the contemporary discourse about the subject, and the sociocultural background of the participants |
intellectual networks in the 19th century |
role of the Transylvanian Hungarian Protestant colleges |
influences of different folk collections and folk collecting networks on one another in the 19th century |
microverse of Unitarian priests and teachers of the mid 19th century |
theory, methodology and history of folkloristics |
folklore archives, legacies |
⏵ Publications
⏷ Publications
⏵ Education and research
⏷ Education and research
Sep. 2019– | Research Fellow: MTA–ELTE Momentum Historical Folkloristics Research Group |
Sep. 2018– | Postdoctoral Scholar: Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest |
Nov. 2017 – Aug. 2018 | Research Fellow (part-time position): Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions (ERC project No. 324214) Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest |
2016 | PhD defence at the Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj. Title of the thesis: A 19th century folklore collecting network as a research problem. Possible approaches to the Vadrózsák (Wild Roses). Result: summa cum laude. |
2013–2016 | PhD candidate, Hungarian and Comparative Folkloristics PhD Program, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
2012–2013 | Cultural Organiser, Hungarian Ethnographic Museum, Budapest, Hungary |
2009–2012 | PhD candidate, Hungarology Doctoral School, Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca |
2005–2010 | Expert in Film History and Film Theory (MA), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
2004–2010 | Ethnologist and Folklorist (MA), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
2001–2007 | Philologist and Teacher in Hungarian Studies (MA), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
⏵ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
⏷ Scholarships and fellowships abroad
2017–2018 | ÚNKP (New National Excellence Program) scholarship (10 months, ELTE BTK) |
2017 | Klebelsberg-scholarship (2 months, Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives in Cluj) |
2017 | Campus Hungary (1 month, Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives in Cluj) |
2016–2017 | Tempus Foundation, research grant (10 months, Romania) |
2014 | Campus Hungary (4 months, Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives in Cluj) |
2014 | Campus Hungary (1 week, Oxford, Harris Manchester College Library) |
2012 | CEEPUS (2 months, Prague, Univerzity Karlovy) |
2009–2012 | full time PhD scholarship from the Hungarian Scholarship Commitee (Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj) |
2009 | Erasmus (3 months, Université Lumière Lyon 2) |
2002–2009 | CEEPUS grant awarded five times between 2002 and 2009 for an altogether 20-month period at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Kolozsvár |
⏵ Teaching experience
⏷ Teaching experience
At Eötvös Loránd University:
2018/2019 spring | Historcial Folkloristics (BA 3rd year, 24 hours seminar) |
2017/2018 spring | Studying different sources (MA 1st year, seminar) |
2015/2016 autumn | Theory and history of Hungarian folkloristics (MA 1st year, seminar, together with Krisztina Tompos) |
2014/2015 spring | Historical Folkloristics (MA 1st year, seminar, together with Emese Ilyefalvi) |
At Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church:
2019/2020 autumn | Tale-theories, tale-researches (postgradual, lecture) |
2018/2019 autumn | Tale-theories, tale-researches (postgradual, lecture) |
2016/2017 spring | Tale-theories, tale-researches (postgradual, lecture) |
At University of Pécs:
2012/2013 autumn | Orality and literacy (MA 1st year, lecture) |
At Babeş–Bolyai University:
2011/2012 spring | Historical Text-folkloristics (BA 3rd year, seminar) |
⏵ Further professional experience
⏷ Further professional experience
2017–2019 | Co-editor of the 25th, 26th, 27th annuals of the János Kriza Ethnographic Society with Vilmos Keszeg and Emese Virginás-Tar, Kolozsvár-Cluj. |
2011–2013 | Co-founder, editor: Etnoszkóp |
2019 | Co-organizer with Vilmos Keszeg (12th Conference of the history of science, Cluj) |
2018 | Co-organizer with Vilmos Keszeg (11th Conference of the history of science, Cluj) |
2012 | Co-organizer with Judit Farkas (Pécs–Kolozsvár Conference for PhD candidates) |
⏵ Academic accomplishment, grants
⏷ Academic accomplishment, grants
2009 | 1st place, XXIX. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK) Szeged, Section of Humanities: Folkloristics |
⏵ Professional memberships and activities
⏷ Professional memberships and activities
2020– | István Hajnal Circle |
2015– | SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) |
2015– | János Kriza Ethnographic Society |
⏵ Language skills
⏷ Language skills
Hungarian | mother tongue |
English | intermediate |
German | intermediate |
Romanian | basic |